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VA - John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens
1 - Correspondence, advertising material and orders relating to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
1 - Glossy illustrated advertising folder detailing product range of John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
2 - Letter regarding the 'Clean Air Bill' sent by Prat-Daniel (Stanmore) Limited to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
3 - Illustrated leaflet from unknown supplier regarding wrought iron stanchions and wall pads.
4 - Illustrated leaflet regarding butterfly valves from Fisher Governor Company Limited, Rochester, Kent.
5 - Illustrated leaflet regarding electrical weighing systems from Elliott Brothers (London) Limited.
6 - Illustrated leaflet from H.A. Prager, Chemical Engineer, London regarding Frederking Apparatus.
7 - Illustrated leaflet from Volkmar Hanig and Company regarding Frederking Apparatus.
8 - Illustrated leaflet from Prat-Daniel (Stanmore) Limited, regarding the Prat-Daniel collector.
9 - Letter and order for a 'Y' pipe from Stanley Jackson, Sheet Metal Works, St.Helens by John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
10 - Letter and order for a Blast pipe from Stanley Jackson, Sheet Metal Works, St.Helens by John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
11 - Illustrated leaflet from Charles Weston and Company Limited, Coventry, for Gits Precision Oil seals.
12 - Price list from Charles Weston and Company Limited, Coventry, for Gits Precision Oil seals.
13 - Illustrated leaflet from Ashmore, Benson, Pease and Company, Stockton-on-Tees, for Meehanite castings.
14 - Illustrated leaflet from Nalfloc Limited, Northwich, Cheshire, regarding the prevention of corrosion in 'wet grit arresters' with 'Alfloc' briquettes.
15 - Illustrated draft copy of leaflet regarding Class 'E' Mixers/
16 - Illustrated leaflet from Morganite Crucible Limited, for 'Salamander Plumbago'.
17 - Illustrated leaflet from Herbert Morris Limited, Loughborough, Leicestershire, for the Morris Electric Crane.
18 - Letter regarding mixers sent by J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
19 - Letter regarding pans from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
20 - Letter and sketches regarding stirrers and pans from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
21 - Letter and sketches regarding pan with screw mixer from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
22 - Letter regarding stirring vessels from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
23 - Letter regarding caustic pot and stirring gear from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
24 - Letter regarding caustic pot and stirring gear from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
25 - Letter regarding caustic pot and stirring gear from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
26 - Letter and sketches regarding pans from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
27 - Letter regarding advertisements for mixers from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
28 - Letter regarding the advertising of mixers, from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
29 - Letter and sketches regarding the advertising of mixing pans, from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
30 - Letter regarding tipping pans from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
31 - Letter regarding the advertising of mixing equipment, from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
32 - Letter regarding cone and propeller stirrer from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
33 - Letter regarding the advertising of mixing equipment, from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
34 - Letter regarding tilting stirrers from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
35 - Letter and sketches regarding the advertising of mixing equipment, from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
36 - Letter regarding the advertising of tipper mixing equipment, from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
37 - Letter regarding the advertising of mixing equipment, from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
38 - Letter regarding the advertising of mixing equipment, from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
39 - Letter regarding the advertising of mixing equipment, from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
40 - Letter from Buffoline Noiseless Gear Company Limited, Manchester to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding a quote for gearing.
41 - Letter from Midgley Brothers, Manchester to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding a quote for worm wheels.
42 - Letter from Buffoline Noiseless Gear Company Limited, Manchester to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding a quote for gearing.
43 - Letter from Norman Engineering Company, Croydon to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding a quote for separators.
44 - Letter from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, London to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding the Nash 'Hytor'.
45 - Letter from Simm, Lewis (Machinery) Limited, Hollingworth to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding a quote for crane gantry and girders.
46 - Letter from the Castner-Kellner Alkali Company Limited, Runcorn, Cheshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding an order for gas compressors.
47 - Letter and sketches from Vlasto, Clark and Watson, Control Gear Specialists, Stockton Heath, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding a quote for reversing controllers.
48 - Letter from Todd Brothers, Iron and Steel merchants, St.Helens to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding a quote for flat bottom rails.
49 - Letter from Thomas W. Ward Limited, Rail Department, Sheffield, Yorkshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding a quote for bridge rails.
50 - Letter from Vlasto, Clark and Watson, Stockton Heath, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding a quote for controllers.
51 - Letter from Lowton Construction Company Limited, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding a quote for bridge rail.
52 - Letter from Thomas W. Ward Limited, Girder Department, Sheffield, Yorkshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding rolled steel joists.
53 - Letter from the Castner-Kellner Alkali Company Limited, Runcorn, Cheshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding a quotation for compressors.
54 - Letter from Mild Steel Factory, Wade, Northwich, Cheshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding gas compressors.
55 - Letter from Mild Steel Factory, Wade, Northwich, Cheshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding gas compressors.
56 - Letter from Mild Steel Factory, Wade, Northwich, Cheshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding gas compressors
57 - Letter from Mild Steel Factory, Wade, Northwich, Cheshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding gas compressors
58 - Letter from Mild Steel Factory, Wade, Northwich, Cheshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding gas compressors.
59 - Letter from Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, Runcorn, Cheshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding gas compressors.
60 - Letter from Todd Brothers Limited, St.Helens, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding a quotation for steel plates.
61 - Letter from Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, Runcorn, Cheshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding rotary compressors.
62 - Letter from Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, Runcorn, Cheshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding gas compressors .
63 - Letter from Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, Runcorn, Cheshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding gas compressors.
64 - Letter from Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, Runcorn, Cheshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding Varley compressors.
65 - Letter from Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, Runcorn, Cheshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding Varley compressors.
66 - Letter from Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, Runcorn, Cheshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding gas compressors.
67 - Letter from Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, Runcorn, Cheshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding Varley compressors.
68 - Memorandum from Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, Runcorn, Cheshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding Varley compressors.
69 - Letter from Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, Runcorn, Cheshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding a visit to the works.
70 - Letter from Mild Steel Factory, Wade, Northwich, Cheshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding Varley compressors.
71 - Letter from Mild Steel Factory, Wade, Northwich, Cheshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding gas compressors.
72 - Letter and pamphlet from Crofts (Engineers) Limited, Bradford, Yorkshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens, regarding cast iron borings in foundry cupolas.
73 - Letter from Stanley Jackson, Sheet Metal Works, St.Helens to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens, regarding a quote for valves.
74 - Letter from Stanley Jackson, Sheet Metal Works, St.Helens to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens, regarding a quote for cupola door plates.
75 - Copy letter from John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens to Keith Blackman Limited, Manchester, regarding fan impeller.
76 - Letter and order details from Keith Blackman Limited, London, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens, regarding a fan impeller.
77 - Letter from Keith Blackman Limited, London, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens, regarding a fan impeller.
78 - Order details from Keith Blackman Limited, London, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens for a fan impeller.
79 - Copy letter from John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens, to Keith Blackman Limited, Manchester, regarding blowing fans.
80 - Letter from Keith Blackman Limited, London, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens, regarding blowing fans.
81 - Copy letter from John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens, to Massey and Coggins Limited, Liverpool, regarding a motor.
82 - Copy letter from John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens, to the Airedale Electrical Manufacturing Company Limited, Bradford, Yorkshire, regarding a cupola motor starter.
83 - Letter from Airedale Electrical Manufacturing Company Limited, Bradford, Yorkshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding a motor starter.
84 - Copy letter from John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens, to the Mobil Oil Company Limited, Manchester, regarding Gulfsil B30 oil.
85 - Copy memorandum from Cassel Works, Chemicals Division, Billingham, County Durham, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding Varley rotors.
86 - Copy memorandum from John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens/Cassel Works, Mond Division, Billingham, County Durham, to Manchester Inspection office regarding Varley rotors.
87 - Estimate from R. Seddon and Sons (St.Helens) Limited to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens for sight glasses.
88 - Copy letter from John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens to R. Seddon and Sons (St.Helens) Limited regarding order for sight glasses.
89 - Letter and order from Massey and Coggins Limited, Liverpool, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens, for Brooks slip rings.
90 - Copy letter from John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens, to Keith Blackman Limited, London, regarding fan blower parts.
91 - Letter from Keith Blackman Limited, London to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens, regarding fan blower parts.
92 - Copy letter from John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens to Keith Blackman Limited, London, regarding replacement fan blower.
93 - Quotation from Keith Blackman Limited, London, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens, for replacement fan blower.
94 - Order details from Keith Blackman Limited, London, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens, for a fan impeller.
95 - Order details from Crofts (Engineers) Limited, Bradford, Yorkshire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens, for a cupola blower.
96 - Letter from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens, regarding stirring pans.
97 - Letter from J. Nixon Bewsher, Consulting Engineer and Industrial Chemist, Warrington, Lancashire, to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens regarding a cast iron causticizer.
98 - Letter possibly from John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens to Crofts (Engineers) Limited, Bradford, Yorkshire, regarding the 'Crofts Process'.
2 - Technical drawings and plans relating to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
3 - Technical data, pamphlets, leaflets and trade journals.
4 - Miscellaneous items relating to John Varley (Iron Founders) Limited, St.Helens.
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