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SE - St.Helens Borough Council Education Records (Specific Schools)
1 - St.Helens Technical School
2 - Sacred Heart Schools, St.Helens
3 - Merton Bank Council School, St.Helens
4 - Cowley Schools, St.Helens
1 - Cowley British Schools, St.Helens.
2 - Cowley Middle Schools, Girls' and Boys' Schools, Cowley Hill and Hard Lane, St.Helens.
1 - Minutes of Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
2 - Bank statements of Cowley Girls' School, St.Helens.
3 - Cash books, accounts and receipts for Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
5 - Admission registers for Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
7 - Staff records for Cowley Schools, St.Helens, Lancashire.
8 - Government inspection reports regarding Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
9 - Book containing addresses of pupils of Cowley Girls' School, St.Helens, Lancashire.
10 - Prospectus, curriculum and timetables for Cowley Schools.
13 - School leavers from Cowley Boys' School, Cowley Hill, St.Helens.
14 - Library accessions registers for Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
15 - Parent Teacher Association, Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
16 - Assembly books of Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
17 - Year books of Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
18 - House books of Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
19 - Prefects' books of Cowley Girls' School, St.Helens.
20 - School magazines and newsletters of Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
21 - Programmes for school plays at Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
22 - Programmes for musical concerts at Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
23 - Sports day programmes for Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
24 - Programmes for prize giving and Speech Days at Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
25 - Order of service for Founders' Days at Cowley Girls' School, St.Helens.
26 - Miscellaneous programmes for events at Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
27 - Plans of Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
28 - Publications and essays about the history of the Cowley Schools.
29 - Centenary of Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
30 - Records relating to the closure of Cowley Hill School, St.Helens.
31 - Newspaper cuttings relating to Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
32 - Photographs from the sites of Cowley Schools at Cowley Hill and Hard Lane, St.Helens.
33 - War Memorabilia related to Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
34 - Books awarded to pupils at prize giving days at Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
35 - Miscellaneous items relating to Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
1 - Pamphlet titled 'Scheme for the Management of the Charitable Foundation of Sarah Cowley at St.Helens'.
2 - Note from the Committee for Cowley Middle School, St.Helens, regarding requirements for the new school.
3 - Printed circular regarding funding for the building of the new schools at Cowley Hill, St.Helens.
4 - Poster issued by Mayor of St.Helens, headed "Cowley Trust New Schools".
5 - Photocopy of fixtures list for Farnworth Rugby Football Club, Lancashire.
6 - Programme of dances at Cowley Old Boys' Association, Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
7 - Booklet containing the poem 'Adonaïs' by Percy Bysshe Shelley.1902
8 - Fixtures list for Cricket Club of Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
9 - Handwritten list of teaching staff at Cowley Girls' School, St.Helens.
10 - Fixtures booklet for Cowley School rugby union football club, St.Helens.
11 - 'The Ballad of Cowley Girls' School'.
12 - Letter from St.Helens Town Clerk to Reverend Luke Beaumont of Cowley Hill, St.Helens.
13 - Lunch menu for the annual meeting of Lancashire County Association National Union of Teachers, held at Cowley School, St.Helens.
14 - Menu for the annual dinner menu of the Old Cowleians' Association, held at the Masonic Hall, St.Helens.
15 - Copy of 'The Liberation of the Angel' by Lydia S. Graham.
16 - Typewritten script for the play 'Gold Frankincense and Myrrh' by Lydia S. Graham.
17 - Specification of furniture and fittings required for the new secondary school for boys, Cowley Boys' School, Hard Lane, St.Helens.
18 - Form of tender for works to Cowley School, Hard Lane, St.Helens, to St.Helens Education Committee.
19 - Order of proceedings on the opening of Cowley Schools new building at Hard Lane, St.Helens.
20 - Example of an unused cash book from Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
21 - Example of an unused exercise book from Cowley School, St.Helens.
22 - Book fee receipt, for H. Richardson, Cowley Boys' School, St.Helens issued by the County Borough of St.Helens Education Committee.
23 - Authority letter from Surveyor of Customs and Excise allowing the keeping and use of methylated spirits for scientific experiments within Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
24 - School exercise book containing history notes that belonged to Olwen Williams of Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
25 - School exercise book labelled 'Class notes and definitions' that belonged to Olwen Williams of Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
26 - Unused school exercise book labelled 'Notes on personal narratives' that belonged to Olwen Williams, form VB, Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
27 - Lecture notes from the Scientific Society, Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
28 - Pamphlet regarding school fund of Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
29 - Particulars for applicants for grants from the Sarah Cowley Educational Foundation, issued by Education Office, St.Helens.
30 - Example of an unused exercise book from Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
31 - Blank absence card for Cowley Girls' School, St.Helens.
32 - 'Declaration of infectious disease' form issued to parents by the Head Mistress of Cowley Girls' School, St.Helens, each new school term, to confirm that no outbreak of infectious of contagious disease had been suffered by their child or the household.
33 - Pamphlet issued by Ministry of Education titled 'Registration of pupils at schools'.
34 - Leaflet issued by Ministry of Education titled 'School Registers and Records in Primary and Secondary Schools'.
35 - Leaflet issued by Ministry of Education titled 'School Registers and Records in Primary and Secondary Schools'.
36 - 'Notification of Absence of School Child on Holiday' form issued by St.Helens Education Committee.
37 - Agreement regarding the 'Eric Standish Fund' and Cowley Boys' Secondary School, St.Helens.
38 - Letter to Head Teachers of all schools from Education Office, St.Helens, regarding registration of holiday absences, form 38 SA.
39 - Letter referring to various subjects, from Education Office, St.Helens to Head Teachers of all schools in the Borough.
40 - Letter regarding school attendance and registration of pupils at school, from Education Office, St.Helens to Head Teachers of all schools in the Borough.
41 - Memorandum to the Headmistress of Cowley Girls' School, St.Helens, from Ministry of Education.
42 - Letter referring to various subjects, from Education Office, St.Helens to Head Teachers of all schools in the Borough.
43 - Circular issued by Ministry of Education titled 'Organisation of Secondary Schools'.
44 - Letter referring to various subjects, from Education Office, St.Helens to Head Teachers of all schools in the Borough St.Helens.
45 - Pamphlet titled 'The Pupils Registration Regulations 1948' issued by the Ministry of Education.
46 - Example of an unused exercise book from Cowley School, St.Helens.
47 - Agenda and notes for staff meeting at Cowley Schools, St.Helens
48 - 'List of recent structural alterations and improvements' at Cowley Girls' School, St.Helens.
49 - Correspondence between Ministry of Education and Miss E. Jackson (headmistress) of Cowley Grammar School for Girls, St.Helens, regarding arrangements for the summer term inspection.
50 - St.Helens Education Committee circular.
51 - Letter from the Education office, St.Helens regarding the development of secondary school comprehensive education.
52 - A paper on 'Comprehensive Education in St.Helens, schemes and principles' issued by the Education Committee, St.Helens.
53 - Circular from the Education Committee, St.Helens regarding comprehensive education.
54 - Pamphlet titled 'A parents' Guide to the Re-organisation of Secondary Education in St.Helens'.
55 - Notice of changes to the school system issued by the Education Authority, St.Helens.
56 - Implementation timescale of educational changes in St.Helens schools.
57 - Blank petition form used in objecting to the amalgamation of Cowley Boys' School and Cowley Girls' School.
58 - Examples of school stationery from Cowley Girls' School, St.Helens.
59 - Black and white ink drawing of the badge of Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
60 - Examples of school sports team badges from Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
61 - School tie of Cowley Girls' School, St.Helens.
62 - Embroidered hat band ribbon from Cowley Girls' School, St.Helens.
63 - Examples of school sports team badges from Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
64 - Album containing circulars from Cowley Schools, St.Helens, to parents.
65 - Authority form from Surveyor of Customs and Excise allowing the keeping and use of methylated spirits for scientific experiments within Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
66 - List of out-of-school activities and clubs at Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
67 - Inventory book for Cowley Girls' School, St.Helens.
68 - Letters, pamphlets and forms issued by St.Helens Education office to schools and parents regarding the transfer of pupils to comprehensive system secondary education.
69 - Correspondence and pamphlets regarding Cowley High School, St.Helens becoming 'Grant Maintained'.
70 - Letter from Miss Pearson, former pupil and teacher, to Kenneth Taylor regarding her memories of Cowley Girls' School, St.Helens.
71 - Hand painted design for the new badge for Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
72 - Staff information booklet for Cowley High School, St.Helens.
73 - Menu for special re-union of Cowley Old Girls' Association, to mark the closure of the school building in Cowley Hill Lane, St.Helens.
74 - Menu from Lake Karrinyup Country Club, Australia, containing Ray French's autograph.
75 - Transcribed oral history memoirs of former pupils of Cowley Schools, St.Helens.
76 - Discussion document submitted by Cowley Parents' Action Committee regarding the proposed closure or amalgamation of Cowley and Rivington High Schools.
77 - Appendices to the discussion document submitted by Cowley Parents' Action Committee regarding the proposed closure or amalgamation of Cowley and Rivington High Schools.
78 - Parent Governors Report for Cowley High School, St.Helens.
79 - Pamphlet for Annual parents meeting at Cowley High School, St.Helens.
80 - Correspondence, itinerary and newscuttings regarding the Christmas edition of BBC television programme 'The Clothes Show recorded at Cowley High School, St.Helens.
81 - Pamphlet reporting on the annual parents meeting at Cowley High School, St.Helens.
82 - Pamphlet reporting on the annual parents meeting at Cowley High School, St.Helens.
83 - Information pamphlet sent out to applicants for post of Deputy Head, Cowley High School, St.Helens.
84 - Information pamphlet sent out to applicants for post of Deputy Head, Cowley High School, St.Helens.
85 - Letter from the family of Arthur Rees Croker, requesting information on his time as a pupil at Cowley Schools.
86 - Letters regarding the 'History of Cowley' frames erected at Cowley High School, St.Helens.
5 - St.Helens Parish Church (St Mary's) Schools Duke Street/York Street Infants School, St.Helens
6 - St.Helens/St Mary's Parish Church School, Wolseley Road, St.Helens
7 - Vulcan Foundry Church of England Infants School, Wargrave, Newton-le-Willows, Lancashire
8 - Wargrave Church of England Schools, Newton-le-Willows, Lancashire
9 - Manor Church of England School, Earlestown, Newton-le-Willows, near St.Helens
10 - St Mary's Roman Catholic School, Newton-le-Willows, Lancashire
11 - Newton-le-Willows County Junior and Infants School, Lancashire
12 - Newton-le-Willows County Primary School, Lancashire
13 - Newton-le-Willows County Secondary School, Lancashire
14 - Newton-le-Willows Grammar School, Lancashire
15 - Lyme Infants School, Earlestown, Newton-le-Willows, Lancashire
16 - Gerard Roman Catholic Infants School, Cowley Street, St.Helens
17 - Parr Mount Holy Trinity Church of England Schools, St.Helens
18 - Laffak School, Back Lane, St.Helens
19 - Windle Schools, Queen Street, St.Helens
20 - St. Mary's Lowe House Schools, St.Helens
21 - Moss Bank Church of England School, St.Helens
22 - Holy Trinity School, Peasley Cross, St.Helens
23 - Ravenhead British Plate Glass Company School, St.Helens
24 - St.Helens Ragged School
25 - St Joseph's Roman Catholic School, Peasley Cross, St.Helens
26 - All Saints Church of England School, Newton-le-Willows, near St.Helens
27 - Marshalls Cross Church of England Infants School, Mill Lane, Sutton, St.Helens
28 - Haydock Secondary/High School, St.Helens
29 - Girls' Institute, Peter Street, St.Helens
30 - Haydock Colliery School, Haydock, Lancashire
31 - Haydock Evening Institute, Haydock, Lancashire
32 - St Cuthbert's Roman Catholic Secondary School, Berrys Lane, St.Helens
33 - Willow Tree County Primary School, Leach Lane, Sutton, St.Helens
34 - Grange Park Secondary School, St.Helens
35 - Winwick Special Subjects Centre, Winwick, Lancashire
36 - Clock Face Colliery School/St Aidan's Church of England Primary School, Clock Face, St.Helens
37 - Blessed Edmund Campion Roman Catholic Secondary School, Stafford Road, St.Helens
38 - Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Girls' Secondary School, Eccleston Hill, St.Helens
39 - Windle Pilkington Council School, Waterloo Street, St.Helens
40 - Earlestown District Church of England School, Patterson Street, Newton-le-Willows, near St.Helens
41 - Crank Hill Church of England Primary School, Rainford near St.Helens
42 - Rainford Church of England Infants School, Cross Pit Lane, Rainford near St.Helens
43 - Bushey Lane Church of England School, Rainford, near St.Helens
44 - Rivington Road School, St.Helens
45 - Rainford Church of England Junior School, Rainford near St.Helens
46 - Carr Mill Infants School, Ullswater Avenue, St.Helens
47 - Carr Mill Junior School, Kentmere Avenue, St.Helens
48 - Parr High School, Fleet Lane, Parr, St.Helens
49 - Broadway Community High School, Grange Park, St.Helens
50 - Windlehurst Community Primary School, Gamble Avenue, St.Helens
51 - Manor Church of England School, Crow Lane West, Earlestown, Newton-le-Willows, Lancashire
52 - Rainhill Park Primary School, Deepdale Drive, Rainhill near St.Helens
53 - Newton-le-Willows Community High School, near St.Helens
54 - Derbyshire Hill County Primary School, Waring Avenue, St.Helens
55 - Dean School, Rob Lane, Newton-in-Makerfield, Lancashire
56 - Parr Flat Primary School, St.Helens
57 - Robins Lane Secondary Modern Girls School, Sutton, St. Helens
58 - Knowsley Road British Infants and Junior School, St.Helens
59 - St.Helens College of Technology, St.Helens
60 - St Mary's and St Thomas Church of England School, Barton Street, St.Helens
61 - Richard Evans Primary School, West End Road, Haydock, near St.Helens
62 - Robins Lane School, St.Helens
68 - St. Aelred's Catholic Technology College, Birley Street, Newton-le-Willows, St.Helens
69 - Nutgrove Wesleyan Infants School, St.Helens
70 - Windlehurst County Primary School, St.Helens
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