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ME - Elliott Collection
1 - Ormskirk Street Congregational Church, Sunday School Treasurer's Account
2 - The Sunday Scholars' Service of Sacred Song
3 - Preliminary statement form regarding Peasley Cross British School, St.Helens
4 - Statement relating to preliminary statement regarding Peasley Cross British School, St.Helens
5 - Advertisement for St.Helens Congregational Sunday School Industrial Exhibition
6 - Programme for Open Music Service, St.Helens Congregational Chapel
7 - St.Helens Congregational Young People's Guild: Young Men's Club Membership Card
8 - Programme for St.Helens Congregational Sunday School Senior scholars' social meeting and concert
9 - Programme for social evening at St.Helens Congregational Young People's Guild
10 - St.Helens Congregational Guild Literacy and Debating Section: Membership card and annual syllabus
11 - National Home Reading Union: Prospectus of the Young People's Section
12 - St.Helens Congregational Mutual Improvement Society: Membership card and syllabus
13 - Extract from Peasley Cross Congregational Chapel Trust deed
14 - Ticket programme for re-union of workers and friends at St.Helens Congregational Church and Sunday School
15 - Programme for St.Helens Congregational Literary and Debating Society concert
16 - Programme for St.Helens Choral and Orchestral Societies concert
17 - Programme for St.Helens Congregational Sunday School Annual Field Day
18 - Programme for Grand Concert at St.Helens Congregational Cricket and Football Clubs
19 - Programme for St.Helens Congregational Sunday School Flower Service
20 - Programme and ticket for Congregational Men's Bible Class first annual re-union and social gathering
21 - Rules of St.Helens Congregational Literary and Debating Society
22 - Book of Bible Quizzes
23 - "The lovely lady of Bethlehem": A Nativity Play by Marjorie Lyon
24 - Document titled "To Busy Ministers" by J Ernest James
25 - Programme of 2nd Annual social of St.Helens Congregational Men's Bible Class, New Years Day
26 - Letter from the Lancashire College regarding deeds to Peasley Cross Congregational Church and schools, St.Helens
27 - Letter from Colonel Richard Pilkington to Rev F W Clarke regarding Peasley Cross Congregational Church and schools, St.Helens
28 - Copy of letter from Reverend F W Clarke to Colonel Richard Pilkington regarding strengthening of Peasley Cross Congregational Church and schools, St.Helens
29 - Letter from Colonel Richard Pilkington to Reverend F W Clarke regarding Peasley Cross Congregational Church and schools, St.Helens
30 - St.Helens Congregational Men's Bible Class: Programme for the Annual Social
31 - Letter from W W Pilkington to Rev F W Clarke regarding Windle City Mission, St.Helens
32 - Letter from Thomas Best to F.W. Clarke concerning Windle City Mission, St.Helens
33 - Estimates for Windle City Mission, St.Helens
34 - Letter from F W Clarke to W W Pilkington regarding Peasley Cross Congregational Church and Windle City Mission
35 - Letter from R Austin Pilkington to Rev F W Clarke regarding Peasley Cross Congregational Church and Windle City Mission, St.Helens
36 - Anniversary Service at St.Helens Congregational Men's Bible Class
37 - Hymns to be used at services and meetings of St.Helens Congregational Sunday School centenary celebrations
38 - Letter from Henry Martin, Mayor of St.Helens to John Webster, Congregational Sunday School, confirming his attendance at special morning service in connection with Sunday School Centenary
39 - Bank Pass Book for the late Colonel Richard Pilkington Memorial Fund
40 - Bicentenary yearbook of the St.Helens Congregational Churches
41 - Programme for the Grand Concert at Congregational Church, Rainford, Lancashire
42 - London Missionary Society, St.Helens Auxiliary. Sale of work at Brook Street Schools, St.Helens
43 - Letter from J A Jackson to Mr Elliott concerning Peasley Cross Trust deeds
44 - Letter from J A Jackson to Mr Elliott concerning Mr W W Pilkington's inability to attend a meeting at Peasley Cross, St.Helens
45 - Letter from St.Helens Education Office to Peasley Cross Undenominational School
46 - Report by Frank G Briggs on the condition of the building at Peasley Cross Congregational Church, St.Helens
47 - Letter and copy letter from W W Pilkington concerning Peasley Cross Schools, St.Helens
48 - Letter from Rainford Hall Estate regarding Peasley Cross British School, St.Helens
49 - Mottos for St.Helens Congregational Church Sunday Schools
50 - Letters from Shepheards and Walters to J T Elliott regarding Peasley Cross Church, St.Helens
51 - Letter to Mr Elliott from Mr Jackson regarding correspondence from Shepheard and "draft"
52 - Letter to Mr Elliott from W Hunt regarding "draft" and local photographs
53 - Letter from Shepheards & Walters to Peasley Cross Church, St.Helens: Notification of change of address, mining rights, draft order etc
54 - Copy report by Joseph P Clare on the condition of Peasley Cross Congregational Church and Schools, St.Helens
55 - Letter from Mr Elliott to Shepheards & Walters regarding Peasley Cross Trust
56 - Letter to Mr Elliott from Rev R J Wells, Secretary of the Congregational Union of England and Wales concerning land subsidence at Peasley Cross Church, St.Helens
57 - Letter to Mr Elliott from Harry Jackson regarding heating apparatus
58 - St.Helens Congregational Church Sunday Schools: Motto for the year
59 - Windle City Mission Benevolent disbursement book
60 - Letter to Rev R J Wells from Mr Elliott regarding Peasley Cross spire, St.Helens
61 - Letter from William Smith regarding construction work at Peasley Cross Congregational Church, St.Helens
62 - Letter to Mr Elliott from Rev R J Wells, Secretary of the Congregational Union of England and Wales regarding alteration of Peasley Cross spire, St.Helens due to injury by subsidence
63 - Invitation to reception of Brook Street Congregational Sunday School Jubilee celebrations
64 - "No 5 Special Quarterly" bulletin, St.Helens Congregational Church
65 - Programme of annual meetings for Lancashire Congregational Union
66 - Photographs of Mr J T Elliott
67 - Programme for complimentary dinner to Mr J T Elliott on the completion of 50 years service as Choirmaster of the St.Helens Congregational Church
68 - Programme for 121st Anniversary of St.Helens Congregational Sunday School
69 - Booklet of communal prayers for boys and girls
70 - Order of procession from the Congregational School for opening of Council House
71 - Post Office Telegram from Albert MacDonald to Wardman
72 - "Seeing it through" Congregational Union religious pamphlet
73 - "The Congregational Messenger" magazine, St.Helens
74 - Programme for Assembly of Lancashire Congregational Union
75 - The Annual Assembly of the Lancashire Congregational Union
76 - "Hymns for Public meetings (hymns selected from the 'Congregational Hymnary')", published by the Congregational Union of England and Wales
77 - "St.Helens and District Congregational Messenger" magazine
78 - Programme for the Recognition of the Rev William West as Pastor of Peasley Cross Congregational Church, St.Helens
79 - Press release from BBC Press Service regarding religious broadcasting
80 - Order of Service for the Valediction of John Geoffrey Marsden at Ormskirk Street Congregational Church, St.Helens
81 - Programme of the official opening ceremony and dedication service at Crematorium and Garden of Remembrance
82 - Booklet titled "Welfare in St.Helens (national, local and voluntary assistance for elderly persons)"
83 - "The Congregational Monthly" - magazine of Ormskirk Street Congregational Church, St.Helens
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