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FO - Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens (and its successor Rockware Glass Limited)
1 - Photographic albums of Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens (and its successor Rockware Glass Limited)
2 - Individual photographs related to Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens (and its successor Rockware Glass Limited)
3 - Glass photographic negatives related to Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens
4 - Plans, drawings, photographic negatives, agreements and other miscellaneous documents relating to Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens (and its successor Rockware Glass Limited, St.Helens)
1 - Furnace data drawings of Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens (and its successor Rockware Glass Limited)
2 - Organisational diagrams of Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens (and its successor Rockware Glass Limited)
3 - Plans, drawings and diagrams of Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens
1 - Diagram of type K gas-fired forehearth
2 - Foundation plan for No. 8 combination turret lathe
3 - End elevation of amber batch handling plant
4 - Diagram of proposed arrangement of cullet crushing plant. Flint and amber
5 - Spare parts list of Alcon Act Valve
6 - Centigrade - Fahrenheit temperature conversion chart
7 - Drawing of paper baler assy
8 - Drawing of arrangement of scoop mechanism and interceptor
9 - Drawing of circuit for a S.P. oxygen analyser with wave C.C.T. and capacitor
10 - Wiring diagram
11 - Paliton Hand Pallet Trucks
12 - Diagram of conveyor belt riser
13 - Diagram of bubbling air through glass, introduced through the bottom
14 - Instructions for mounting and adjustment of electromagnetic type brakes. D.C
15 - Diagram of arrangement of chimney packing
16 - Diagram of 20 ton class "B" tank wagon. B.R
17 - Diagram of 12 ton goods van. Lettered shock van
18 - Diagram of 13 ton shock absorbing wagon. Lettered shock
19 - Section of the gob feeder
20 - Diagram of the arrangement of tank run off
21 - Diagram of layout of No. 5 tank at Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens
22 - Diagram of filters for compressed air
23 - Diagram for pneumatic spray gun type A.D. for high temperature work
24 - Diagram of M. E. 155 elevator type stirrer unit-model A
25 - Diagram showing proposed combustion air reversal system - fig. A.
25a - Diagram showing proposed combustion air reversal system - fig. A
26 - End elevation of flint batch handling plant
27 - Electric melting furnace
28 - 5 section I.S. (independent section) machine
29 - Drawing for the Hartford - Empire type enfolding batch charging system
30 - Figure 7. Use of a mechanical mixer for enrichment of natural gas with hydrogen
31 - Drawing of diagrammatic representation of air system
32 - Diagram of standard screw conveyor arrangement and main dimensions
33 - Plan of enfolding charger
34 - Plan of I.S. machine
35 - Diagram 12 ton goods van. Lettered shock van
36 - Diagram of method of transfer. Sheet No.3 on 22" and "I.S." machines
37 - Proposed arrangement of cullet crushing plant, flint and amber
38 - Diagram of blank cavity and plunger shape
39 - Diagram of low pressure firing system
40 - Diagram of range of double gob with angular shears
41 - Assay of gamma ray level gauge
42 - Diagram of draught regulators
43 - Chart pollard self-lube bearing
44 - Diagram of recommended dimensions for installation of H.E. enfolding batch charger
45 - Diagram of arrangement of run-off gun
46 - "62" design of 63 m/m 11oz Pan Yan, based on the appendix No. 14, as presented by Mr. Leavell
47 - Plan of elevation through cooling section. Figure 4
48 - Diagram of and `Essex' universal joints
49 - Heat flow diagram for a glass tank furnace
50 - Diagram of type 119 forehearth. Plan view through top of channels
51 - Elevation "44" machine
52 - Diagram of No. 8 tank (flint)
53 - Hartford - Empire type "90" enfolding batch charger
54 - General description of the lynch sectional, hydraulic, blow and blow machine
55 - Diagram of enlarged detail of bubbler probe
56 - Diagram of suggested method of rotating square section bottles
57 - Untitled design
58 - Diagram of method of hollow scraping
59 - Diagram of 20 ton class `B' tank wagon B.R
60 - Diagram of case packer for bottles
61 - Diagram of producer gas fired furnace
62 - Diagram of "K" type burner equipment for 14' - 7½" feeders K.U. channel. KW 26" channel
63 - Diagram of end elevation of amber batch handling plant
64 - Diagram of top part oil firing
65 - Diagram of arrangement of mechanical batch feed
66 - Diagram of shadow wall details
67 - Diagram of longitudinal section of No.6. tank at Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens
68 - Diagram of layout of No. 3. tank at Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens
69 - Diagram of longitudinal section of No.3. tank at Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens
70 - Diagram of tank layout of No. 3. tank at Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens
71 - Diagram of tank layout of No. 6. tank
72 - Instructions for mounting and adjustment of electromagnetic type brakes. (DC)
73 - Diagram of arrangement of Morgan gas fixed glass plunger preheating furnace
74 - Diagram of (export) head mechanism
75 - Diagram of five section I.S. machine
76 - Descriptive leaflet of Metrovick hydraulic profiling system
77 - Diagram of 13 ton shock absorbing wagon. Lettered shock
78 - Diagram of elevation of amber batch handling plant
79 - Plan of amber batch handling plant
80 - Lubrication chart. Scammell "scarab" mechanical horse, with scammell petrol engine
81 - Unidentified drawing
82 - Unidentified drawing
83 - Plan showing position of bubbler probes in furnace
84 - Glass machine book No. 283
85 - Oil and gas burners
86 - Unidentified drawing
87 - Operating instructions for type V-55 syntron Electric Vibrators
88 - Diagram of arrangement of trough and deflector supports from overhead gangway
89 - Unidentified drawing
90 - Plan view of 22" machine
91 - Original drawing by Miss Pent
92 - Unidentified drawing
93 - "62" design of 63 m/m 11 oz Pan Yan based on appendix No. 15
94 - Drawing of single shell direct heat dryer
95 - Diagram of enlarged detail through port
96 - Diagram of enlarged detail through port
97 - Diagram of alternative arrangements of components
98 - Diagram of elevation of "22" machine
99 - Diagram of facilities for machine shop, office, laboratory, compressors, etc
100 - Unidentified drawing
101 - Diagram of slatted belt conveyor
102 - 62 Parison design
103 - Diagram of expansion joint after heating up is complete
104 - Confidential drawing by Powell and Company
105 - Unidentified drawing
106 - Electrical drawing
107 - Plan of No. 8 tank (flint) at Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens
108 - Drawing of brickwork for chimney
109 - Diagram of conveyor from lehr
110 - Unidentified diagram
111 - Unidentified diagram
112 - Diagram of drain chute
113 - Unidentified diagram
114 - Diagram type 119 Forehearth Blenders
115 - Diagram of proposed canal crossing
116 - Diagram of proposed developments at Pocket Nook Works of Forster's Glass Company Limited, St.Helens
117 - Diagram of Roadway Levels (Globe Fields)
118 - Levels and manhole details of New Road
119 - Plan of Forsters Glass Company Limited, Atlas Glass Works, St.Helens
120 - Plan of new extension to existing canteen
121 - Layout of services into factory of Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens
122 - Plan of Atlas Glass Works of Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens
123 - Plan No. 1. of Atlas Glass Works of Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens
124 - Plan No. 2. of Atlas Glass Works of Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens
125 - Plan No. 3. of Atlas Glass Works of Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens
126 - Plan of Atlas Glass Works of Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens
127 - Details of Shadow Wall
4 - Various photographic negatives and slides relating to Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens (and its successor Rockware Glass Limited)
5 - Miscellaneous documents and files relating to Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens (and its successor Rockware Glass Limited)
6 - Agreements, drawings and photographs related to Forsters Glass Company Limited, St.Helens
5 - A collection of photographs sent by the French company L'Electro Refractaire to Rockware Glass Limited.
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