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CSHA - St.Helens Parish Church (formerly St Helens Chapel and St Mary's Church)
1 - General history and management of St.Helens Parish Church
2 - Records relating to dispute between John Byrom and religious dissenters in St.Helens Chapel
3 - Legacies related to St.Helens Chapel
4 - Documents relating to the nomination, employment and conduct of ministers at St.Helens Chapel
5 - St.Helens Chapel Trustees meetings, nominations and other business
6 - Records relating to pews at St.Helens Chapel/St Mary's Church
7 - Rents and tithes
8 - Deeds and land valuation of St.Helens Parish Church lands
9 - Schools in St.Helens (including new school at Moorflat built in 1793)
10 - Miscellaneous payments, bonds and receipts relating to St.Helens Chapel
11 - Building work on the Vicarage
12 - Rebuilding of the Chapel
1 - Agreement for taking down St.Helens Chapel and for rebuilding
2 - List of subscribers who promised to give donations towards the sum of £500.00 required for rebuilding St.Helens Chapel "as it had become so much decayed" and because "the inhabitants by the manufactories carried on in that neighbourhood are become so numerous that the said chapel is too small"
3 - Articles of agreement between William Halton and the Trustees of St.Helens Chapel for pulling down and rebuilding the Chapel
4 - List of subscriptions for payments towards the rebuilding of the chapel
5 - Bill of repairs done at St.Helens Chapel by Joseph Martindale
6 - Bill for painting and glazing done at St.Helens Chapel by Richard Marsden
7 - Memorandum book (containing accounts of monies received and paid - for the enlargement of St.Helens Chapel)
8 - Receipt of payment for repairs and cleaning of St.Helens Chapel
9 - Bill for repairing the gates of St.Helens Chapel
10 - Bill of payment to John Hill for supply, repair and changing of bells at St.Helens Chapel
11 - Bill for flags and slates for repairs to St.Helens Chapel
12 - Two bills for new bell ropes and measures of lime etc
13 - Receipt for money paid to Thomas Winstanley for gathering the stones about St.Helens Chapel
14 - Mr Barker to John Glover; bill for work at St.Helens Chapel
15 - Bill to the Trustees of St.Helens Chapel from Richard Marsden for crown glass etc
16 - Bill from Joseph Martindale for putting up slates and repairing the roof of St.Helens Chapel
17 - Bill for glazing done at St.Helens Chapel by Richard Marsden
18 - Bill for repairs for the St.Helens Chapel yard wall and bell rope
19 - Bill from James Woodward for repairing the bell of St.Helens Chapel
20 - Trustee meeting minutes regarding repairs to St.Helens Chapel
21 - Ground plan of St.Helens Chapel
22 - Bill received from Thomas Marsden for a new bell rope at St.Helens Chapel
23 - Receipt from Joseph Markland to the Trustees of St.Helens Chapel for repairing the roof and floors
24 - Bill to the trustees from Thomas Barker for Irish linen to repair surplices
25 - Receipt for painting and glazing done at St.Helens Chapel by Richard Marsden
26 - Account owed by the trustees of St.Helens Chapel to Hill and Mercer for repairs
27 - Account to the Trustees at the Protestant Chapel from John Hill
28 - Bill From Mr Barker and co to Mr John Bate for a bucket and rope etc for use in St.Helens Chapel
29 - Letter addressed to Thomas Greenall from Mr Philips for payment for columns and caps made for St.Helens Chapel
30 - Letter to the Trustees of St.Helens Chapel from John Hope of Liverpool for the valuation of the work done by John Hill
31 - Bill to the Trustees of the Protestant Chapel from John Hill for the construction of the Chapel
32 - Bill from Richard Marsden to the Trustees of St.Helens Chapel for repairs and materials
33 - Account from Richard Marsden to the Trustees of St.Helens Chapel for crown glass
34 - Mr Hill's bill to the trustees of St.Helens Chapel for repair work done
35 - Bill of repairs to St.Helens Chapel from Richard Marsden to the trustees
36 - Account of the Trustees of St.Helens Chapel to James Fraser for 25 feet of stone
37 - Bill for repairs from Bill Marsden to St.Helens Chapel Trustees
38 - Bill for repairing St.Helens Chapel (labelled valuation)
39 - Bill to the trustees of St.Helens Chapel for several attendance consultations
40 - Letter to Edward Greenall from Archiepiscopal Court of York regarding repairs to St.Helens Chapel
41 - Letter addressed to Reverend T Pigott, Wigan from W Ward regarding the enlargement and alteration of St Mary's Church, St.Helens
42 - Account from Henry Forber to the trustees of St Mary's Church, St.Helens, for repair work and materials
43 - Contract signed by John Pythian, carpenter to build the North Gallery of St Mary's Church, St.Helens
44 - Specification of the work of the proposed new gallery in the Church of St Mary's, St.Helens
45 - James Penketh's tender for proposed alterations to St Mary's churchyard, St.Helens
46 - James Penketh's tender for plinth, railings and gate in St Mary's Church, St.Helens
47 - List of accounts including amount paid out in repairs
48 - Estimate by George Harris for various work in St Mary's Church, St.Helens
49 - Plan for pillar in St Mary's Church, St.Helens
13 - Reverend Edward Carr of of St Mary's Church, St.Helens versus Reverend Mostyn of St Thomas's Church , Eccleston, Lancashire, regarding payment of fees
14 - Miscellaneous items relating to St.Helens Chapel/St Mary's Church, St.Helens
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